Thursday, October 31, 2019

Diversity management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Diversity management - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that one of the greatest tasks individuals face is communicating across differences resulting from different cultural diversity. There is always fear that exists that what an individual will intend to say will be understood in a way that they never meant it to be due to cultural differences in a team. The author’s research team was composed of seven members that were four local students and three Chinese. Through the group activity, the researcher has personally gained a lot from working with his research team on diversity management. From the group activity, the researcher was able to learn that cultural awareness is the base of communication and it entails the ability of individuals to stand back and become aware of their cultural values, beliefs, perceptions, and differences. It is essential for individuals to understand the reason why they do things differently, why they react differently in particular ways and perceive the world in different ways. Cross-cultural awareness is central when individuals interact with people from different cultures as individuals will evaluate and interpret things in different ways. What can be considered as inappropriate behavior in one culture is considered as appropriate behavior in another culture. As a U.K local, it is almost automatic to perceive the Chinese as individuals who always work and talk about business over tea and lunch breaks instead of sitting down and enjoy their meals. Thus, it is crucial to understand the meaning that people give to certain activities according to different cultures. DIVERSITY MANAGEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words DIVERSITY MANAGEMENT - Essay Example Furthermore the authors relate these two modes to six dimensions of cultural diversity. Their main idea is to consider interrelation between cultural diversity and co-operation. Respondents were chosen from France Telecom Mobile and Orange UK’s integration team thus showing that diversity has not influenced much on co-operation. Furthermore the authors suggest an interesting explanation of cultural diversity: they consider it to be a means for explanation ‘interindividual difficulties’ (Dameron, Joffre). It is possible to claim that this article does not only directly concern issues of diversity management, but also suggests a new and unique point of view; it considers diversity management in another perspective. A consideration of human interaction in business world is one of the most striking issues of the modernity. Interpersonal differences caused by cultural, moral and religious background are more often obstacles in the working environment that innovative visions. Diversity in the business world has started to be considered separately from domestic diversity issues quite recently. A new approach to consideration of diversity management in the business world is caused by a high-speed development of national and organizational cultures. Cross-cultural studies of diversity management are helpful for joint-ventures and other forms of organization. The conducted studies reveal peculiarities of business conduct on the international arena with representatives of different cultures. There is another important tendency in modern diversity management: a consideration of cultural diversity to be a motive force of business conduct. Cultural diversity is a common phenomenon nowadays. It is considered to be prestigious to have foreign business partners and culturally diverse employees. This tendency can be explained by the fact that sharing culturally diverse experience can become another asset of the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Homework in Performance Techniques Essay Example for Free

Homework in Performance Techniques Essay Sound Waves- A sound wave is the pattern of disturbance caused by the movement of energy traveling through a medium (such as air, water, or any other liquid or solid matter) as it propagates away from the source of the sound. The source is some object that causes a vibration, such as a ringing telephone, or a persons vocal chords. The vibration disturbs the particles in the surrounding medium; those particles disturb those next to them, and so on. The pattern of the disturbance creates outward movement in a wave pattern, like waves of seawater on the ocean. The wave carries the sound energy through the medium, usually in all directions and less intensely as it moves farther from the source. Prequency and Wave Length In physics, the wavelength of a sinusoidal wave is the spatial period of the wave—the distance over which the waves shape repeats.[1] It is usually determined by considering the distance between consecutive corresponding points of the same phase, such as crests, troughs, or zero crossings, and is a characteristic of both traveling waves and standing waves, as well as other spatial wave patterns. [2][3] Wavelength is commonly designated by the Greek letterlambda (ÃŽ »). The concept can also be applied to periodic waves of non-sinusoidal shape.[1][4] The term wavelength is also sometimes applied to modulatedwaves, and to the sinusoidal envelopes of modulated waves or waves formed by interference of several sinusoids.[5] The SI unit of wavelength is the meter. Reverberations Reverberation is the persistence of sound in a particular space after the original sound is removed.[1] A reverberation, or reverb, is created when a sound is produced in an enclosed space causing a large number of echoes to build up and then slowly decay as the sound is absorbed by the walls and air.[2] This is most noticeable when the sound source stops but the reflections continue, decreasing in amplitude, until they can no longer be heard. The length of this sound decay, or reverberation time, receives special consideration in the architectural design of large chambers, which need to have specific reverberation times to achieve optimum performance for their intended activity.[3] In comparison to a distinct echo that is 50 to 100 ms after the initial sound, reverberation is many thousands of echoes that arrive in very quick succession (.01 – 1 ms between echoes). As time passes, the volume of the many echoes is reduced until the echoes cannot be heard at all. Refraction Refraction is the change in direction of a wave due to a change in its speed. It is essentially a surface phenomenon . The phenomenon is mainly in governance to the law of conservation of energy. The proper explanation would be that due to change of medium, the phase velocity of the wave is changed but its frequency remains constant. This is most commonly observed when a wave passes from one medium to another at any angle other than 90Â ° or 0Â °. Refraction of light is the most commonly observed phenomenon, but any type of wave can refract when it interacts with a medium, for example when sound waves pass from one medium into another or when water waves move into water of a different depth. Refraction is described by Snells law, which states that for a given pair of media and a wave with a single frequency, the ratio of the sines of the angle of incidence ÃŽ ¸1 and angle of refraction ÃŽ ¸2 is equivalent to the ratio of phase velocities (v1 / v2) in the two media, or equivalently, to the opposite ratio of the indices of refraction (n2 / n1): Diffraction- Diffraction refers to various phenomena which occur when a wave encounters an obstacle. Italian scientist Francesco Maria Grimaldi coined the word diffraction and was the first to record accurate observations of the phenomenon in 1665.[2][3] In classical physics, the diffraction phenomenon is described as the apparent bending of waves around small obstacles and the spreading out of waves past small openings. Similar effects occur when light waves travel through a medium with a varying refractive index or a sound wave through one with varying acoustic impedance. Diffraction occurs with all waves, includingsound waves, water waves, and electromagnetic waves such as visible light, x-rays and radio waves. As physical objects have wave-like properties (at the atomic level), diffraction also occurs with matter and can be studied according to the principles of quantum mechanics. Passive Absorption- According to this theory ions are absorbed by the root along with mass flow of water under the influence of transpiration. This theory failed to explain the salt accumulation against osmotic gradient. An increase in transpiration pull increases the uptake of ions by the roots. The uptake of ions by free diffusion. Thus, mass flow of ions through the root tissues occurs due to transpiration pull in the absence of metabolic energy.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Critically Analyze The Role Of Leadership Management Essay

Critically Analyze The Role Of Leadership Management Essay Leadership is very important to organizations especially to management perspective, to manage well the leadership could help company to achieving successful business. In the high competitive environment in nowadays, in order to have successful management of organization, organizations need to know the importance of leadership and the role of leadership in achieving sustainable organizational change. Leader is a person who in charge or as a change agent could manage an organization or use his ability to make the process of organizational change more effectively and successfully. Organizational change is a demand of the day and it is the needed power for organizations to survive in todays competitive environment. In nowadays, organizations are well understand the signification of the matter, and are serious to prepare themselves both in the existing and future trends to get the level of sustainable success, but its very complex and challenging for organizations to achieve the process o f organizational change. Due to leadership has a central role in evolution and cultivating an organization, thus, a very effective and highly competent leadership that is well competent to understand the most desirable shape of an organization and undertake the issue of organizational change in most appropriate way is high demanded in the process of organizational change. The analysis of literature reviewed was highly recommended two approaches of leadership in the demand of the process of organizational change which are visionary leadership and charismatic leadership. The main purpose of this research paper is to evaluate the role of leadership in achieving sustainable organizational change, the importance of organizational change and use the selected two approaches of leadership to evaluate how the leadership works in the Apple Inc, and how do these two leaderships could affect the organizations. 2.0 Literature Review 2.1 The leadership and its importance Refers to Berger and Luckmann, 1966, leadership like other social phenomena, is socially constructed through interaction, emerging as a result of the constructions and actions of both leaders and led. Research done by Kristina, 2009, leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. Additional research which has done by Sansom, 1998, the leadership of an organization is instead, an ability of management to get and protect the company benefits by realizing employees need and company targets and bringing them to work in a better environment to achieve the common goals. After knowing the definition of leadership, author going to discuss on the importance of leadership in organizations. Refers to the research done by Chris, 2010, organizations are built on leadership and when there is good leadership in place, a company will succeed in all activities that it undertakes, retains employees and experiences growth. In fact, no company or organization can survive and thrive in the lack of efficient organizational leadership. One of the key elements in organizational leadership is maintain a delicate balance between understanding employee needs and organizational goals. An organization with the right leadership elements will have employees whose are satisfied with working in the organization and who feel that their work has contributed to organization growth. It must treat its employees as the most vital part of the entire system and instead of just a workforce it must treat them like assets. Leadership is very important to organization because it helps es tablishing direction to organization, developing a vision of the future, often the distant future, and strategies for producing the changes needed to achieve that vision, and leadership could help organization in aligning people, to communicating the direction by words and deeds to all those whose cooperation may be needed so as to influence the creation of teams and coalitions that understand the vision and strategies, and accept their validity (Barbara and Stephen, 2010). In the case study, the leadership of Steve Jobs built Apple Inc to the worlds most valuable company in 2011. Refers to Case study, the company started off as Apple Computer, best known for its Macintosh personal computers (PCs) in the 1980s and 1990s, despite a strong brand, rapid growth, and high profits in the late 1980s, Apple almost went bankrupt in 1996. Then Jobs went to work, transforming Apple Computer into Apple Inc with innovation non-PC products starting in the early 2000s. In fact, by 2010, the company viewed itself as a mobile device company, in the 2009 fiscal year, sales related to the iPhone and the iPod represented nearly 60% of Apples total sales of $43 billion. Apple Inc could not have todays successful without the good leadership of Jobs; he controlled and managed the company well to lead company achieving high revenue every year. Steve Jobs leaded his employees went out to the limitation of the normal PC industry, to focus on the different high technology product s in the related area, the innovation power which Jobs built still has high market position for Apple Inc today. 2.2 Role of leadership in organizational change Effective leadership is always required to bring effective changes (Kennedy, 2000). Successful organizational change depends on leaders who has direct authority with people going through the change-to support and execute change in their span of influence. Refers to Reardon, 1998, radical changes require private acceptance and it is a role of senior leaders to aware people to realize the need of change and therefore to create willingness to relinquish old style of working in favor of new ones. Another researcher Kotter, 1995, said that the effective leaders have clear and straight vision about future and the successful change needs to have a clear picture of future, without vision the successful changes are very difficult, thus, it is very important for the leaders to communicate the vision. Drucker, 1995 regards leaders in an organization as the life-giving elements in every organization in that without managers, organizations cannot possibly function properly without good leadership . Thus, a strong link is noted between a leaders efficiency and organization performance. Another additional research done by Wasim and Imran, 2010, the organizational leadership has a central role in evolution and cultivating an organization, it can help the member of an organization and working teams to face the challenges and to work for organizational goal in a worthy way. Steve Jobs plays an important role of the leadership in Apples organizational change, he leads Apple went out from the almost decline situation to such successful IT company today. Follow Steve Jobs back to Apple, in August 1997, Apple announced that Microsoft would invest $150 million in Apple and make a five-year commitment to develop core products, such as Microsoft Office, for the Mac Jobs abruptly halted the Macintosh licensing program. Apples 15 product lines were slashed to just four categories-desktop and portable Macintoshes, for consumers and professionals. Other restructuring efforts involved hiring Taiwanese contract assemblers to manufacture Mac products and revamping Apples distribution system from smaller outlets to national chains. Internally, Jobs focused on reinvigorate innovation, and Apple pared down its inventory significantly and increased its spending on RD. Refers to the research done by Kennedy, 2000, effective leadership is always required to bring effective changes, Jobs has the full authority with staffs and outsiders in the ongoing processes during the organizational change. According to another research done by Kennedy, 2000, effective leaders should have clear vision for the future development of organization, for example, Jobs laid out his vision for the Macintosh in what he called the digital hub in 2001, in which could attract these customers who entrenched in a digital lifestyle such as using digital cameras, portable music players and digital camcorders, and Jobs believed that Apples control of both hardware and software could be one of the unique strength for Macintosh to manage all these digital things. Because of the great leadership of Jobs, 91% of PCs priced $1,000 and above in the US market were sold by Apple (Case study). Therefore, the leadership plays an important role in the organizational change, and the effective leadership could bring company with effective organizational change and increase revenue. 2.3 The evaluation of organizational change 2.3.1 The importance of organizational change Organizational change is defined as the adaptation of new ideas or behavior by an organization with many perspectives on strategic change and organization development (Halkos and Bousinakis, 2012). The role of the manager or a team of leaders is crucial for the change. Those changes range both from technological to structural change and from psychological transitioning to organization downsizing (Choi, 1995). Organizational changes including both operational and transformational change. Refers to Liberatore et al, 2000, transformational change involves redesign and renewal of the organization often not made by the effort of a management science modeling. Organization change occurs in many forms, such as introduction of new technologies, new products, new process of administrative systems or any procedure new to an organization (Baker and Wruck, 1989; Zhou et al, 2006). Nowadays business trends are changing rapidly and quickly in the globe and the organizations that do not change cannot survive (Hage, 1999). In the high competitive environment of todays business, organizations are facing both internal and external pressure that they must make changes in order to success in the industry. It is also very important for the organization to manage the demands and expectations of the customers, employees and management; therefore, there is always a need for change to meet these expectations (Wasim and Imran, 2010). 2.3.2 The organizational change of Apple Inc According to Hage, 1999, organizational changes mean that organizations are undergoing and or undergone transformation, it may be define their success story or any type of experience or failure, the organizational change is the set of different actions that results shifting in directions and or processes that affect the way in which organizations work before. Some research paper wrote that organizational change cannot be separated from organizational strategy, or vice versa (Burnes, 2004; Rieley and Clarkson, 2001). Researcher Graetz, 2000, also suggested that against a backdrop of increasing globalization, deregulation, the rapid pace of technological innovation, a growing knowledge workforce, and shifting social and demographic trends, few would dispute that the primary task for management today is the leadership of organizational change. 2.3.3 Summary As the research done by Wasim and Imran, 2010 mentioned that the internal and external forces are important to organizational change. For example, in Apples case the external forces such as the competitive of IBM Company Apples competitive position changed fundamentally in 1981 when IBM entered the PC market. Because of the IMB PCs not only gained more market share, but they also emerged as the new standard for the industry. Apple responded by introducing the Macintosh in 1984, the Mac marked a breakthrough in ease of use, industrial design, and technical elegance; however the Macs slow processor speed and lack of compatible software limited sales. Thus, in a result of this, Apples net income fell 62% between 1981 and 1984, sending the company into a crisis, and this could be the internal pressures to Apple itself. Both the internal pressure and external pressure pushed Apple must make some organizational change in order to save the company and to have long term business. Therefore, Apple has introduces the iMac in August 1998 which priced $1299 all-in-one computer featured colorful translucent cases with a distinct eggshell design and also supported plug-and-play peripherals, saved Apple from crisis, because of the successful iMac, Apples sales outpaced the industrys average for the first time in years, Apple posted a $309 million profit in its 1998 fiscal year, reversing the previous years $1 billion loss. Apple as a good example of successful organizational change company, it has changed in response to technology, legislation, competition and consumer demand. One of the companys strategies after organizational change is to provide customers with high quality and high technology products since the consumer demand is changing with technology in the recent years such as iPad and iPod. Another successful strategy is the digital hub strategy, Apples shift towards a digital hub strategy was initiated by the debut of the iPod in 2001, followed by the iPhone in 2007, and then the iPad in 2010 and these product lines set Apple on a path toward becoming a full-fledged digital convergence company. In a summary of the above analysis, the two approaches of pressures pushed Apple Inc to go for organizational change, and after the changes done, it helps Apple Inc to reach good revenue and successful business. Apple Inc has made some strategy changes, they shortage their business into only four categories, and also refers to the research done by Graetz, 2000 which mentioned in the 2.3.2 section, the rapid pace of technological innovation, a growing knowledge workforce are the primary task for the leaders in the organizational change process, for example, in the leadership of Steve Jobs, Apple Inc has innovated some new high technology products such as iPad, iPod, iPhone and retail pathway. For example, Apple Inc not only wanted consumers to look at the eye-catching Macintosh designs, it is also wanted people to directly use and experience Apples software, the Apple retail experience gave many consumers their first exposure to the Macintosh product line. Another successful example o f Apple Inc because of the organizational change of Apple Inc is iPhone, the first iPhone was introduced in 2007 with many competitors such as Samsung, Nokia, HTC and etc, within two years, the iPhone went from zero to 30% of Apples total revenue, in terms of global Smartphones sales, the iPhone was the biggest growth story, capturing more than 14% of the market. From the two successful examples of Apple Inc in the organizational change could see that the suitable organizational change could help organizations with increase revenue and success business. 3.0 Analysis of case study 3.1 Visionary leadership Visionary leadership refers to the capacity to create and communicate a view of a desired state of affairs that clarifies the current situation and induces commitment to an even better future (Kathlee and Vincent, 2003). Colton 1985 described a visionary leader as one who established goals and objectives for individual and group action, which define not what we are but rather what we seek to be or do. The visionary leader inspires, challenges, guides and empowers. The reason why the Steve Jobs leadership is the visionary leadership is because Jobs truly added value, his evangelical zeal to show people the future potential of the product, this is vision as foresight, and has caused Jobs to be dubbed the priceless proselytizer (Uttal, 1985) and the missionary of micros. His visionary capacity as a promoter was also widely recognized and appreciated within the company, and Jobs is outstanding in his merging of foresight and imagination into the genius of the proselytizer. Visionary leadership has been discussed since many years back by few different researchers, Murphy, 1990 provided some insights into the nature of visionary leadership, he concluded that more effective principals have a clear sense of direction for their schools that they are able to clearly articulate, and the visionary leader focuses on fewer coordinated objectives around which staff members energy can be mobilized. Refers to Frances and Henry, 1989, an alternative image of visionary leadership might be that of a drama, Peter Brook, 1968, the legendary director of the Royal Shakespeare Company, has suggested that the magic of the theatre lies in that moment when fiction and life somehow blend together. It may be brief, but it is the goal of playwright, director, actor and audience, the result of rehearsal, the performance itself, and the attendance of the audience. Brook, however, finds these words too static, and prefers the French equivalents repetition, representation and assist ance, all of which, coincidentally, have special meanings in English. Kotter, 1996, also discuss that without the vision of leaders the motivation level of organization people may go down and their activities become meaningless which can prove worst for an organizations at the later end, he further said that vision plays a key role in producing useful change by helping to direct, align and inspire actions on the part of large numbers of people. Without an appropriate vision, a transformation effort can easily dissolve into a list of confusing, incompatible and time consuming projects that go in the wrong direction or nowhere at all. In the case study of Apple Inc, the visionary leadership of Steve Jobs brought lots of revenue to company, for example, Jobs came up with the great vision that the personal computer should become a digital hub for managing all of a users music, videos, photos and content in 2000, thus, Apple Inc got into the personal device business with the iPod and then the iPad. Thanks to the great vision of Jobs, iPod with its sleek design, simple user interface and large storage, it soon became an icon of the Digital Age in the words of one writer, and the first iPod stored up to 1,000 songs while other companys MP3 only can store hours of songs, by 2010, Apple reportedly held more than 70% of the MP3 market in the US. When other competitors still using normal music players which can only store hours of songs, Jobs made their vision to have some device which could upload and download digital songs, thus, the iPod was released with simple and nice design and could store up to 1,000 songs. The suc cessful visionary leadership helped Apple Inc increased company market share in the industry and also increased the revenue for company. The other successful vision of Jobs made when he lead Apple Inc was the innovation of the product between a Smartphone and a laptop computer which named iPad, the iPad could either connect to the Wifi or customers could buy a premium iPad which can use with 3G services, and also iPad could run almost all the iPhone apps. More than 450,000 iPads were sold during its first week on the market which brought to Apple Inc with good profits. Jobs commented that, It feels great to have the iPad launched into the world-its going to be a game changer. The successful of iPad released in the industry had lead other competitors to enter into the tablet market, it had produced immediately competitor responds such as HP said it would make a Wintel-based tablet, and Dell planned to ship an Android-based tablet. 3.2 Charismatic leadership Charismatic leadership theory is a popular and much researched approach to understanding effective leadership (Hughes, Ginnett and Curphy, 2003), Kippenberger, 2002, stated charismatic leaders are seen to have a powerful vision, a great deal of self-confidence, a strong conviction that they are right, and an assertive, even dominant, personality, this makes them highly effective in crisis situations or periods of significant change, but it can also make them potentially dangerous-especially if they choose the wrong vision. Steve Jobs is a strong charismatic leader, as a charismatic leader, he is highly inspirational, likes using stories to motivate, and his passion for perfection is inspiring, and when relying on behaviors that emphasize the directive style, Jobs does not hold his ideas about the direction of a project or someones ideas on how to resolve a problem. Steve Jobs had a great leader way of interacting with his employees, he could be greatly kind, rewarding and motivationa l, in a mean while, and he could also be cruel, despondent, demanding and thankless. His interaction with suppliers, other companies, and customers was equally unpredictable, no one ever knew that to expect from him, and the employees and suppliers are all most willing to follow his idea and what he asked them doing. Charismatic leadership theory was expanded by a number of researchers who have produced complementary, yet somewhat different, conceptualizations of charismatic leadership (House, 1977; Sashkin, 1988; Trice and Bever, 1986). Each of these theoretical offerings links a leaders influence; improved follower motivation, satisfaction and effort, and charismatic leadership can operate either as an individualized or a group level phenomenon depending on organizational context (Avolio and Yammarino, 1990). Shamir, House and Arthur, 1993, suggested that the effects of charismatic leadership on followers motivation are mediated by the increased salience of collective identities in followers self-concepts. Other researchers have done the similar research on the charismatic leadership as well and they have recorded that the performance and effectiveness of charismatic leaders is theorized to lay, at least in part, in their ability to inspire followers to work towards a vision rather than motivat ing followers with rewards and punishments, in particular, charismatic leaders tend to use specific communication strategies to inspire followers and implement social change (Shamir, Arthur and House, 1994; Fiol et al, 1999; Emrich et al, 2001; Bligh, Kohles and Meindl, 2004). In the case study of Apple Inc, the grate charismatic leadership of Steve Jobs had pulled company from crisis and leaded Apple Inc to become one of the most successful companies in the industry. For example, Steve Jobs always use stories to inspire and motivate people in his work, he is able to build the culture and promote his vision and mission for Apple Inc, and he used stories that made his employees feel they were making a difference in the world. Jobs said he wanted to make a dent in the universe with this company (Young, 2005). This is the mission he instilled in his employees and gave them a sense of purpose and devotion that continues to this day. The charisma leader ability made employees to work together and efficiency, and enhanced the productivity and revenue for the company. The other example is Steve Jobs wanted every products which he developed need to be perfect, such as during the development of iPhone. The initial design has the glass screen set into an aluminum case, one Monday morning Jobs went over to see Ive, I didnt sleep last night, he said, because I realized that I just dont love it. Ive, to his dismay, instantly saw that Jobs was right, I remember feeling absolutely embarrassed that he had to make the observation, he says. The problem was that the iPhone should have been all about the display, but in its current design the case competed with the display instead of getting out of the way. The whole device felt too masculine, task-driven and efficient. Guys, youve killed yourselves over this design for the last nine months, but were going to change it, we are all going to have to work nights and weekends, and if you want, we can hand out some guns so you can kill us now.. Jobs told to his team. Instead of balking, the team agreed. Same cases happened many times in the new product development, any small design or material Jobs did not like, he would tell his team No and change everything again even it needs to take more times to working on it, he did not care as he needs the products to be perfect, and because of his idea and suggestion were fully reasonable, employees agreed to change it and Jobs would worked together with his team to ensure the new perfect products could deliver to customers on time. Also because of his charismatic leadership ability the first iPhone-a revolutionary 3.5 inch touch screen interface placed commands at the touch of users fingertips without a physical keyboard and its entire system ran on a specially adapted version of Apples OS X platform, successfully sold about six million units over five quarters, this brought Apple Inc with very good revenue and the market position in the smart phone market. 4.0 Conclusion In a summary the analysis in this research paper, the leadership plays a significant role in the organizational change, and the type of leadership which Steve Jobs used in the Apple Inc are visionary leadership and charismatic leadership. Refers to Wasim and Imran, 2010, organizational leadership has a central role in evolution and cultivating an organization, it can help the member of an organization and working teams to face the challenges and to work for organizational goal in a worthy way, and the role of a leader is also very prominent while addressing the change issue for organizations. And in the case study, the great leadership of Steve Jobs helped Apple Inc to reached high revenue and good market position. Therefore, organizations need to pay attention to the importance of leadership during the organizational change, good leadership could bring organizations successful organizational change and business, and ineffective leadership could result in fail on organizational chang e. Both visionary leadership and charismatic leadership are important for organizations, vision is a mental image of a possible and desirable future of the organization (Bennis and Nanus, 1985; Lyerly and Maxey, 2000), there do not have any leader without vision, and the visionary leadership are very important for organizations development, leaders need to have a clear visionary image on how the future development of organization, otherwise, the organization will face decline. Such as in Apple Inc, Steve Jobs had the clear vision of how the future development of Apple Inc, which market and products organization need to develop, without the successful visionary leadership of Jobs Apple Inc could not reach todays success and market position. Charisma as a relationship between an individual leader and one or more followers based on leader behaviors that engender intense reactions and attributions on the part of followers, a charismatic leader may enchant the subordinates, as a result, the subordinates are likely to follow a leader who is charismatic (Wu and Wang, 2012). The charisma leadership of Steve Jobs pulled Apple Inc out from crisis, he pushed perfection on every product which he created, to ensure the quality and design of the product could perfect to be delivered to customers. The way he interactive with his employees made employees were all willing to follow his suggestions and instructions, only all the followers could work together, then the productivity and efficiency of work could be done, Jobs as the great charismatic leader leaded Apple Inc to reach todays performance. Therefore, leaders need to have the charisma ability to lead organizations, and organizations need to have the charisma leadership to ensur e organization could have successful business and performance, in a final result, could reach high revenue for organizations. (Approximately 2736 words)

Friday, October 25, 2019

Thoreau vs. Hawthorne :: comparison compare contrast essays

Thoreau vs. Hawthorne Personal Lives Henry David Thoreau was born in Concord, Massachusetts on July 12, 1817 and died there peacefully on May 6, 1862. He was described by Hawthorne as "ugly as sin." He loved nature, and his constant preoccupation was exploring the woods and ponds making detailed observations of plants and creatures. Henry led a singular life, never marrying, and marching to his own drummer, as he put it. From 1845 to 1847, he lived alone in a small cabin he built by Walden Pond near Concord. He described this unique experiment in natural living in "Walden" criticizing those who "lead lives of quiet desperation" with all the trappings of customary society. His personal independence and straightforward manner was harsh to some people, and he gained very little recognition during his lifetime. Nathaniel Hawthorne was born on July 4, 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts, to a family that had been prominent in the area since colonial times. Hawthorne was very handsome and never had problems with looks. When Nathaniel was four, his father died on a voyage in Surinam. Hawthorne was extremely concerned with traditional values. From 1836 to 1844, the Boston-centered Transcendentalist movement, led by Ralph Waldo Emerson, was an important force in New England intellectual circles. The Transcendentalists believed that human existence transcended the sensory realm, and rejected formalism in favor of individual responsibility. The Scarlet Letter shows some Transcendentalist influence, including a belief in individual choice and consequence, and an emphasis on symbolism. Henry David Thoreau and Nathaniel Hawthorne are different and alike in many ways. Thoreau was a man that never married and believes each man should "march to his own drum" or go his own pace. Nathaniel Hawthorne on the other hand, was married very quickly. Thoreau was described "as ugly as sin with a long nose and queer mouth." Hawthorne was handsome on the outside, but depressed on the inside. Hawthorne was a Dark Romantic, while Thoreau was a Transcendentalist. Dominant Traits Henry David Thoreau's dominant trait was being a Transcendentalist. Transcendentalism is the belief asserting the existence of an ideal spiritual reality that transcends the experimental and scientific and is knowable through instinct.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Vans Paper

Vans Homework Assignment (Racquet Club) | | |Stephen Smith | |Shelby Harris | |Lauren Lindsey | |John Krc | |Aleksandra Petronijevic | 1. Product: What products does Vans sell? Vans sells skateboard shoes, appeal, and outer wear for guys and girls. 2. Mission Statement: Describe the Vans mission in less than three sentences. The mission statement of Vans expresses that they want to provide an attractive look to teenage kids.The employees of Vans want their customers to be happy and enjoy their new clothes. 3. Target: Who do they target in terms of gender, geography, lifestyle, income, interests and activities? Vans targets mainly males, but lately females are making a greater appearance. Originally, they focused on the west coast but they quickly expanded eastward. They target younger kids with interests that include: action sports, music, art, and street fashion. 4. Competitive Advantage: How does Vans describe its competitive advantage?How are they different and better than other b rands? They see themselves as the original; therefore, being original is their competitive advantage. They were the first to make the canvas, checkerboard skate and active wear shoes. 5. Distribution: Where is Van’s sold? What is their pyramid distribution strategy? How does it work? Vans are sold at most shoes that sell shoes; however, they decided to only give the mainstream retailers specific shoes. This is to protect their popular shoes in hopes to keep them popular.If only certain stores hold their most popular shoes, the shoes will not sell immensely all at once but will sell well over time. The most exclusive shoes goes to the top of the pyramid sellers and then the middle level shoes go to the more mainstream sellers. 6. What is their strategy in terms of their use of traditional media (TV, radio, magazine, outdoor)? List the different media and examples of specific media vehicles. They mainly rely on magazine promotion. They put their ads in all of the true skate, su rf, snow, and motocross magazines that are available.Then after magazines are events, for example: skateboard competitions, surfing competitions, etc. Next in the line of media is television and radio. 7. What is their strategy in terms of the role of the internet in Van’s communication strategy? Provide examples. 8. What is their promotional strategy in terms of their use of sales promotion with consumers? (samples, tours, contests, vacations, giveaways)? Provide examples. Some promotional strategies used by Vans are documentaries like Dogtown and Z-Boys, which is a 90 minute documentary.Vans has many commercials that advertise their shoes while people are skateboarding. 9. What is their promotional strategy in terms of their use of sales promotion with retailers? (samples, tours, contests, vacations, giveaways)? Provide examples. Vans gives away clothes and shoes to retailers so that they can promote them to customers and get their brand out and make it more well-known. 10. What is their promotional strategy in terms of public relations/publicity where events are staged to engage potential customers and the media? Provide examples including events.Later in their years Vans became a marketing company now their promotional strategies consist of many events such as, The Vans walk tour, Vans Triple Crown surfing, Vans downtown showdown, and many more skateboard, snow board and surfing events. 11. How do they make use of interactive marketing? Vans is known for hosting an array of events that are seemingly enjoyable and fun. It is very interactive more so because the Vice President of the company makes sure of he is at all events in a very approachable form. 12. How do they use spokespersons?Their events where they team up with different television stations and so on stands as there spokesperson. They more so work on letting the brand as a whole speak for itself. 13. How do they use cause marketing? Give examples of sponsorships. Vans uses cause marketing in the ads they have consisting of magazines, events, television and radio. One of cause marketing sponsorships they have is â€Å"Surf Rider† which is an organization founded upon keeping the ocean water clean. Vans teamed up with this organization by making exclusive shoes that has the name of the branch where Surf Rider branches are.Vans causes marketing by magazines and ad’s in only the true skateboard, snowboard and surfing magazines. They host actual events pertaining to all of these events to not only drive sales but form an interpersonal relationship with all Vans customers. Lastly they turn to television and radio to keep the name of the company in the mainstream media. 14. What types of information and research does Vans use to determine the effectiveness of their promotional strategy? Vans information and research comes from â€Å"bottom line†. As well as the constant surveys they receive from countless market research groups.Their website remains the number one action sport website. They also notice at events the numerous amount of clients that are wearing vans everywhere. 15. Do you think Vans’ promotional mix focuses more on a pull strategy or a push strategy? Why? I feel Vans’ promotional mix focuses more on a pull strategy than a push strategy. Vans’ does not chase different competitors out of their range of products. They focus more on pleasing the current clients who are looking for what Vans as a company has to offer. They pride themselves on being original and work on continuing to keep it that way.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

First Extended Stay Away from Home Essay

The Cathedral Effect Emotions are a thing that nobody escapes themselves from, no matter how hard they try. They are something we are born and die with. Emotions are the also a foundation to how we see things. If someone is sad then most of the things they come across will be viewed as sad. Now, if someone is happy or open minded then they will deal with things they come across much better. In Carver’s short story â€Å"Cathedral†, the narrator is jealous and bitter. This causes his views to be distorted to something that is not correct. His wife’s friend comes and he is mean and jealous towards him. If the narrator changed his mood, then he would see things in a new better perspective. In â€Å"Cathedral†, written by Raymond Carver, the narrator starts off as a bitter man with a bad attitude of mind who changes throughout the story as to have a better attitude which results being more open minded and having a better aspect at life. At the beginning of the story, the narrator is a jealous and bitter husband. Although he has no reason to as he does not acknowledge his wife very much. The narrator is very lonely, â€Å"Every night I smoke dope and stay up as long as I could before I fall asleep.† The narrator could go with his wife instead of staying up all alone. When he does this it only shows how lonely he really is and how much he does not communicate with his wife. Maybe if he talked to her he would understand her and would feel comfortable when her blind friend came to visit. The narrator was not so excited for the visit, â€Å"My idea of blindness came from the movies†¦the blind moved slowly and never laughed†¦a blind man in my house was not something I looked forward to.† Clearly the narrators perception of blind people is very close minded as he only thought of blind people to fit stereo types. He has no idea what blind people are like and only goes with his own poor judgment. If h e changed his attitude towards things like these then maybe he would be able  to understand his wife and even the blind man. Later on in the story he begins to change just slightly. At first when the blind man arrives he only makes rude comments and stares as his wife smiles and interacts with him. Later though he begins to talk with him, â€Å"I asked if he wanted to smoke some dope with me.† The narrator invites Robert, the blind man, to smoke with him which is something he usually does by himself. It is not much but it is a step towards getting to know the man. As they smoked, his wife fell asleep and eventually left to sleep in her own bed. Robert and the narrator stayed up and watched television and as they watched it, a Cathedral came up. The narrator tried to explain the cathedral to Robert but failed to do so, â€Å"I stared some more at the Cathedral before the picture flipped into the countryside. There was no use.† Although the narrator was sharing thoughts with Robert, it was still not enough. The narrator soon gave up when trying to explain the Cathedral to Robert instead of tryi ng harder to help Robert picture a Cathedral in his mind. He did change his attitude a bit by communicating with Robert, but not enough. As the story concludes, the narrator has an epiphany. They continue to watch television when the blind man has an idea as to how the narrator could show him how a Cathedral looks like. Robert tells him, â€Å"I got an idea. Why don’t you find us some heavy paper? And a pen. We’ll do something. We’ll draw one together.† Robert suggests an activity that will benefit him and the narrator will be helpful. The narrator looks for what Robert requested and comes back after a while so they could do whatever he wants to do. Robert found the narrators hand and they began to draw a Cathedral together. The narrator guides the pen and Robert following along like a shadow. As the narrator was drawing the Cathedral he closed his eyes and thought, â€Å"His fingers rode my fingers as my hand went over the paper. It was like nothing else in my life up to now† This is where the narrators epiphany occurs. He finally sees something differently in life that changes his attitude towards many things. He experienced being blind for once and in a good way not in a bad way. Before he was blind intellectually and as to how people were. Now he was blind physically and it benefited him much  more than his useless jealous stereo typical thoughts. All he had to do was experience something that he had no insight towards. Lots of times humans let their emotions dictate the way they view life. Due to this, we should all try and be content and keep a positive attitude. If we keep a positive attitude then things won’t seem so harsh, miserable, or as lonely. If we have a negative attitude though, then things will be harder for us to understand and harder to interact with all sorts of different people. Sometimes it takes an experience that leads to an epiphany in order to change our attitude in life. In Raymond Carver’s story â€Å"Cathedral†, the narrator is a perfect example of someone having an epiphany that changes their attitude and view towards life. There’s always hope for everyone, you just need that extra push to have a better view towards things.

Free Essays on The Stone Angel

The Stone Angel As I began reading The Stone Angel I didn’t think I would be able to enjoy the novel just because it is not really the type of book I would read. But I have found something fascinating about the life of Hagar Shipley, about a ninety year old woman who is looking back over her life near the end of it. Hagar seems very set in her ways and is not about to change her mind when her son Marvin and his wife Doris attempt to put her in a nursing home, she refuses to go and runs away. She is angered that they want her to leave her house and her things just so they can sell them, or so she believes. Doris and Marvin tell her about things she does that she just cannot remember doing so she thinks that they think she is senile, which is funny because she cannot remember the little things but she can relive her past through her memory and tell how her life was. The book takes you from present to past in a second and is well written to do so, it does not confuse you or really leave you lost in the middle of something because it picks right up in the present where you left off. You start to wonder if all older women think like Hagar and worry about the same things and have the same attitudes. Although Hagar does not seem like a very pleasant woman to live although as the reader you can see where she is coming from whereas the people who actually live with her probably cannot see her point of view. A lot of things like the choices Hagar made while she was young do not really make sense but you know she did them for her own reasons, like marrying Bram Shipley, for the life of me I cannot understand how she could marry that man but she did and it cost her the price of her Father. Since Hagar married Bram she never spoke to her Father and he never saw her again or his two grandsons, which was a shame. Hagar always thought her Father would have adored John, her second born. This book will take you on a journey through the life... Free Essays on The Stone Angel Free Essays on The Stone Angel The Stone Angel As I began reading The Stone Angel I didn’t think I would be able to enjoy the novel just because it is not really the type of book I would read. But I have found something fascinating about the life of Hagar Shipley, about a ninety year old woman who is looking back over her life near the end of it. Hagar seems very set in her ways and is not about to change her mind when her son Marvin and his wife Doris attempt to put her in a nursing home, she refuses to go and runs away. She is angered that they want her to leave her house and her things just so they can sell them, or so she believes. Doris and Marvin tell her about things she does that she just cannot remember doing so she thinks that they think she is senile, which is funny because she cannot remember the little things but she can relive her past through her memory and tell how her life was. The book takes you from present to past in a second and is well written to do so, it does not confuse you or really leave you lost in the middle of something because it picks right up in the present where you left off. You start to wonder if all older women think like Hagar and worry about the same things and have the same attitudes. Although Hagar does not seem like a very pleasant woman to live although as the reader you can see where she is coming from whereas the people who actually live with her probably cannot see her point of view. A lot of things like the choices Hagar made while she was young do not really make sense but you know she did them for her own reasons, like marrying Bram Shipley, for the life of me I cannot understand how she could marry that man but she did and it cost her the price of her Father. Since Hagar married Bram she never spoke to her Father and he never saw her again or his two grandsons, which was a shame. Hagar always thought her Father would have adored John, her second born. This book will take you on a journey through the life...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Time Management and Motivation Essay Example

Time Management and Motivation Essay Example Time Management and Motivation Essay Time Management and Motivation Essay Time Management and Motivation for Me the Student Idell Heiny GEN/200 March 14, 2011 Lisa Stepp A problem in my day-to-day life that I would like to work on is my time management. I would also like to find a way to stay motivated with school. Time management is a skill I lack and motivation is something I need. I need to learn how to fight management problems such as procrastination and bad habits. If I can only learn how to prioritize tasks and possibly categorize them it might help me with my time management. I seem to take on too much and don’t know how to say no. If I can learn to say no to things that waste time in my life I just might be able to learn how to use time management to my advantage. Sometimes I don’t realize just how much volunteer work I do. This keeps me from accomplishing the essentials. It’s often the little things and things that come up last minute, spur of the moment. It’s feels to me that other people in and around my life don’t know how to manage their time effectively always come to me, last minute of course and expect me to accomplish whatever the task at hand may be. If I could learn how to say no at those times to those people I just might be able to have better time management for myself. If I had extra time for me I just might be able to me motivated about school rather than feeling drained and exhausted by the time I get to school work and posting. When thinking about what I can do to help me better my time, I think about checking out books from my local library also checking with the library to see if they have any seminars or webinars regarding â€Å"time management†. Reading different books from different authors might help me to find a way to manage my time that best fits me and my life style. I’m sure there are plenty of different ways to manage time, but if it’s not something that I can add into my life and be able to use what’s the point. I would be willing to spend the time in researching out my options. I know what the outcome could be and I’m excited to have my time and day managed. This in return might just help me to stay motivated as well. Looking into the University of Phoenix, I could take an extra class that could teach me about time management. This would be a great time for me to do so just for that simple fact that I have my tax returns and I would financially be able to take an additional class. I could check with my student advisor and see what classes are offered how long the class is and what are the dates. If I were to lay this all out right I could possibly be able to take the class as an elective. I might also be able to find a workshop for a day as well to help me with the fundamentals. Again I could check with my local library and also the job center in town. I was lucky enough to start this process early on to do some searching for classes that I could take before this paper was due. To my luck I found a webinar that was offered online. I attended the 2 hour webinar that Jeff Cronk held, Cronk a professor at Stout University talked about solid project management practices such as creating, implementing, monitoring, controlling and delivering as promised to learning ways to get organized and break down the barriers to personal productivity. I took what I could in, what I understood, and what could be applied to my life. Such as creating a â€Å"to do† list writing things down each morning and crossing them off as I complete each task, this is something I can do in my life and will do. I will have a sense of accomplishment once I see what I have done for the day. This will motivate me to want to complete each list each day. If need be I could simply apply one or two things to the next days list as well. Being able to research some techniques it a great start but being able to apply tools and tasks to my life is amazing. I’m going to evaluate all the information that I have been given with the books and the webinar and figure out what works for me and what will not. By knowing my life style what I like and what I want to change will be the determining factor as to what info I will walk away with. Knowing that the ideas I have learned as far as setting goals with dates, creating to do lists and having my local library at my hand when needed will help me to manage my time. These were the little things that were skipped and looked over in my life and day to day routine. Cutting back on volunteer work is something that I will definitely do so that I can work every day on my â€Å"to do† list. I want to have this list as my bible. I will make it important and put it as a priority. Also from my findings in my reading, I will tackle my most complex task first. I will not be intimidated of any task and will tackle it head on!! Reference Brown, R. (2010, April 16). Ill do it tomorrow [Web]. Message posted to http://time-management. bestmanagementarticles. com/a-36902-i-ll-do-it-tomorrow. aspx Editorial Team B, B. (2010, April 13). Work life Balance [Web]. Message posted to http://time-management. bestmanagementarticles. com/a-37578-work-life-balance. aspx Susan Fritz F, (2005). Interpersonal skills for leadership (2nd ed. ). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458: Pearson Education, Inc..

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The global tourism industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

The global tourism industry - Essay Example However, it is debatably the speedy and long-term growth and spread of global tourism, mainly since the 1950s, that has been the most an important factor in driving the surfacing of sustainable tourism as a move toward tourism development (Sharpley, 3). Ever since the early 1900s when tourism was mostly limited the privileged, the prospect to partake in tourism has become progressively extensive. There is also the assertion that tourism has gradually become more democratized. Furthermore, it currently accounts for the single major nonviolent movement of individuals across cultural boundaries in the world history. Consequently, this increased worldwide movement of people amounted to over 662 million arrivals in 1999. This movement across cultural boundaries yielded the interaction and integration of diverse cultures of the world (, 1). The collection of global travellers is growing in terms of the quantity of tourists and the gaining of revenues and it has included visitors from a broader range of countries due to the mounting prosperity in rising economies. Growing cross-cultural interactions and greater access to information about tourism attractions in previously lesser-known regions of the world, increasing attraction with the rising and developing economies, new types of tourism activity, and growing investment in infrastructure further widen the destinations of tourists. Simultaneously, due to the shifting business setting and developing technological and logistical changes, the tourism industry is experiencing major structural transformations (Bardhan, et al, 1). Leksakundilok cites World Trade Organization’s estimates that the number of global tourists was 650.4 million in 1999 and by the year 2000, it had reached 698.8 million. Further, from 1995, the global tourism increased at an average of 4.5% per year.

Friday, October 18, 2019

MSc PROJECT MANAGEMENT Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

MSc PROJECT MANAGEMENT - Coursework Example Senior management in children’s services indiscriminately punish employees for inadequacies in the assessment and referral systems. Although many analysts are of the opinion that ineffective implementations account for the errors, they decry the practice by management to blame and punish employees overlooking the assessment and referral processes. The result has been a consistent practice by employees to cover up errors occurring in the systems (Broadhurst et al., 2000). In addition, the workers take a more laid-back approach to disseminating feedback that helps the management to pinpoint functional and operational challenges in the systems. The overarching impact of this gap in communication between the employees and management is the clear impediment to innovation and continuous management necessary of all technology-based information systems. The vicious cycle of malpractices in the system has resulted in stagnation in the innovation process and the consequential failures o f the modernized assessment and referral. Many experts think the current flaws in the referral and assessment systems are traceable to the initial design frameworks of the systems. The approach taken by healthcare management left out key steps in the introduction and implementation of the computerised systems. Some of the problems included lack of careful assessment of the functions of the modernised systems (Kaye et al., 2004). Proper staff retraining was also necessary for effective transition from the manual systems to the automated system. Pushing to the periphery the needs and input from various stakeholders contributes to the current difficulties in the current modernised assessment and referral systems. The heavy level of investment in technological facilities seems to have done little to improve the quality of service delivery through the modernised assessment and referral systems. The

Champagne and its Origins Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Champagne and its Origins - Essay Example Champagne was produced in order to be served to only noble and royal people all throughout the 17th to the 19th century and only after this period did it begin to circulate around the world and be used by other sections of society as well. Gradually, more and more people began consuming champagne; the middle classes thrived and tried to move themselves to the upper sections of society, and the use of champagne helped them achieve a similar status. With the help of better packaging and advertising, the drink began to reach a wider market or more number of people and was used at parties, festivities and any other kind of celebratory events by different kinds of people. From even before the 5th century began, it was found that Romans had planted a number of vineyards in and around the Champagne region of France, leading to the production of a vast variety of grapes which later came into use for the purpose of fermentation and formation of alcohol. A number of these vineyards were grown in churches as the wine was used for religious purposes too. The climate in this northern region was also suitable for viticulture or study and production of grapes and made a difference to the kind of wine that was being produced. The people in the southern regions of France soon also started to develop and undertake the production of grapes for the purpose of producing wine and champagne however the results they achieved brought about a difference in colour and taste due to the difference in temperatures. The oldest existing proof of the production of champagne, from grapes and wine, dates back to the famous ‘Blanquette De Limoux’. This was made in the year 1531 by Benedictine Monks in the Abbey of Saint Hilaire near Carcassonne. After this, many methods were applied in the process of fermentation and famous people like Dom Perignon produced some of the finest champagnes introduced to the world. The creation of champagne is a scientific process which was perfected by physicists’ world over; fermentation was perfected by adding sugar and other substances in order to make the champagne taste sweeter. Dom Perignon also made a few inventions like the making of the muselet for the purpose of holding the cork to create pressure in fermentation on the drink and thus perfect it further. It was also only bottled after the process of fermentation was completely over, just like the proper rural method to create it. Well within the 19th century, the production of champagne broke into the figures of millions of bottled being produced all over the world each year. Champagne production requires at best at least one and a half years getting a good bottle of the sparkling wine. Methode Champenoise is known as one of the most traditional methods of obtaining and producing champagne. First, fermentation is allowed to take place within the bottle. This is the process where a catalyst acts upon the grape solution and converts it into an alcoholic beverage for the purpose of consumption. It is said that the amount of fermentation that takes place makes an effect on the drink; an older and more fermented drink is said to have better taste and structure than anything fairly newer. A second round of fermentation takes place within the bottle with an addition of substances like some grams of yeast and rock sugar after which a long time is required for the flavour to pull and settle inside the bottle. It

Team project bragging plan Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Team project bragging plan - Coursework Example This must be computed by choosing between the higher rate between the regular step rate for his/her job position and initial step of other classification. Employee is paid 2 times the normal time in case they seek overtime. Any work past 40 hours is considered overtime. However, employees are not allowed to work more than 40 hours as their overtime. The union is not supposed to use overtime as an excuse to reduce the work time for employer. Sick leave accumulates pay credits for the whole employment month. It is scheduled 9-10 hours per week. For personal leaves, the scheduled hours per week are 37-40. The bereavement leave is allowed for 7 days, voting has 1 day leave and family leave happens for three months. Medical leave has no probation. Â  The union allows workers in HR, financial department, IT department, and other interior workers national holiday’s day off due to flexibility of their work. However, other workers such as housekeeper, front desk receiver, and kitchen department maximum of 1/3 holiday leave as their work is inevasible in holidays. The union pays workers working 2/3 of the public holiday annually with overtime benefits during the public

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Research essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Research - Essay Example Indeed, the humors lie in the verbal ironies in the story. At the very beginning of the story, the readers learn about the revenge motif of Montressor (Silverman 312). So, when, in the story, they come across the verbal ironies in Montressor’s narration, they rather become aware of the follies, simplicity and hubris, of Fortunato, which inevitably push him towards the horrible death. Also the humors in the story are endowed with a two-fold meaning. On one hand, they provide brutal pleasure to Montressor; on the other hand, they reveal Fortunato’s follies and hubris. Montressor exhibits a black sense of humor. In the very beginning of the story, Montressor describes Fortunato in a jester’s outfit. He describes Fortunato as following: â€Å"[In] one evening during the supreme madness of the carnival season, that I encountered my friend†¦.The man wore motley† (Poe pars.2). In that carnival evening, Fortunato wear a â€Å"tight-fitting parti-striped dres s† (Poe pars.2). He also wears a â€Å"canonical cap and bells† (Poe pars.3). ... But when Montressor vows that â€Å"I must not only punish but punish with impunity. A wrong is unredressed when retribution overtakes its redresser. It is equally unredressed when the avenger fails to make himself felt as such to him who has done the wrong† (Poe pars.3), Fortunato’s jester-like clothing and hubris make him more vulnerable and pathetic. Another humor occurs around the middle of the story. When Montressor and Fortunato enter into the cavern, he (Fortunato) begins to cough. In order to hide his intention, Montressor tries to persuade Fortunato to go back: â€Å"We will go back; your health is precious. You are rich, respected, admired, beloved; you are happy, as once I was. You are a man to be missed. For me it is no matter. We will go back† (Poe pars.6). In reply, Fortunato says, â€Å"Enough†¦the cough's a mere nothing; it will not kill me. I shall not die of a cough.† (Poe pars.8) Here though his reply evokes laughter, it, at the sam e time, warns the readers about his helplessness in the face of Montressor conspiracy. Fortunato, a helpless drunkard who does not know the least of Montressor’s revenge, expresses habitual hubris that he will not die of coughing. This scene makes Montressor more pernicious and venomous, whereas this same reply exposes Fortunato more as a helpless man who simply believes Montressor and who is going to face his death soon (Silverman 312). At the second reading of the story, the perception that Fortunato is going to be buried alive behind the vault wall reveals the darkness and blackness of Montressor’s sense of humor. The blackest humorous scene occurs around the end of the story. Here, Fortunato starts to laugh after

Depression - Family and Community Experience Assignment

Depression - Family and Community Experience - Assignment Example The results are severe for patients below six years as opposed to the other category. Studies on the expressed emotions shows that families of patients suffering from chronic depression are easily predicted by higher levels of Expressed Emotions. Patients suffering from disorders associated with mood record a poor outcome from medical experts. Other studies indicated that spouses found it hard to share with the public about their spouses and this leads to reduced marital activities with the patient. In the long run, it happens that the patient feels unattended to and this further complicates his situation. This however results when the spouse to the patient feels embarrassed about the patient’s condition. Impacts of chronic illness and depression sharply differ from one society to another and from one country to another. Despite the variations, what is common is that the situation bears with it serious cost implications. A patient suffering from depression is considered a wast e to an economy in terms of productivity, this by it self is a form of a negative cost. Attempts in curative or reduction are yet other cost. In most set ups, human life is taken to be paramount and the responsibility is not left to the family alone but to the entire society. In some cases there is inability to persevere in a marriage where the patient is either a wife or husband. It makes the spouse to have mentality of trying to get their way out. This is attributed to effect in the sexual behavior and performance which is not at par or anyway near the satisfaction level achieved before. In chronic situations, it leads to dysfunctioning of the whole act as earlier stipulated as lack of interest or mood. In the recent past, it has been noted with keen interest that patients suffering from chronic depression pose a great burden o the family members and those destined to take care of them. What this implies is that the care givers have to reduce the time the have to undertake in doin g their personal activities such as leisure and other social activities after their relative has been diagnosed with depression. The family will tend to be more worried about the future with increased symptoms, effects and consequences. The effects are more staunch in families with poor base are compared to their rich counterparts. The community as whole participates in the sense that support can easily be mobilized from the social networks. The support can either be financial or just moral. Handling of depressed patients has effects as well. Parents of children with depression are reported to have a higher likelihood of contacting or suffering from psychological disorders such as the same mental depression. Thus children require more attention compared to adults. Therefore the risks in handling children is much greater compared to adults Educational support has been advanced on that note that is found capable of assisting relatives in provision of care to patients suffering from ch ronic depression. Although sources indicate that the much that has been advanced is too little and a further research is recommended. Such education is technically referred to as psycho education and it was purposely developed to assist in mitigation of the enormous difficulties and challenges encountered by

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Team project bragging plan Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Team project bragging plan - Coursework Example This must be computed by choosing between the higher rate between the regular step rate for his/her job position and initial step of other classification. Employee is paid 2 times the normal time in case they seek overtime. Any work past 40 hours is considered overtime. However, employees are not allowed to work more than 40 hours as their overtime. The union is not supposed to use overtime as an excuse to reduce the work time for employer. Sick leave accumulates pay credits for the whole employment month. It is scheduled 9-10 hours per week. For personal leaves, the scheduled hours per week are 37-40. The bereavement leave is allowed for 7 days, voting has 1 day leave and family leave happens for three months. Medical leave has no probation. Â  The union allows workers in HR, financial department, IT department, and other interior workers national holiday’s day off due to flexibility of their work. However, other workers such as housekeeper, front desk receiver, and kitchen department maximum of 1/3 holiday leave as their work is inevasible in holidays. The union pays workers working 2/3 of the public holiday annually with overtime benefits during the public

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Depression - Family and Community Experience Assignment

Depression - Family and Community Experience - Assignment Example The results are severe for patients below six years as opposed to the other category. Studies on the expressed emotions shows that families of patients suffering from chronic depression are easily predicted by higher levels of Expressed Emotions. Patients suffering from disorders associated with mood record a poor outcome from medical experts. Other studies indicated that spouses found it hard to share with the public about their spouses and this leads to reduced marital activities with the patient. In the long run, it happens that the patient feels unattended to and this further complicates his situation. This however results when the spouse to the patient feels embarrassed about the patient’s condition. Impacts of chronic illness and depression sharply differ from one society to another and from one country to another. Despite the variations, what is common is that the situation bears with it serious cost implications. A patient suffering from depression is considered a wast e to an economy in terms of productivity, this by it self is a form of a negative cost. Attempts in curative or reduction are yet other cost. In most set ups, human life is taken to be paramount and the responsibility is not left to the family alone but to the entire society. In some cases there is inability to persevere in a marriage where the patient is either a wife or husband. It makes the spouse to have mentality of trying to get their way out. This is attributed to effect in the sexual behavior and performance which is not at par or anyway near the satisfaction level achieved before. In chronic situations, it leads to dysfunctioning of the whole act as earlier stipulated as lack of interest or mood. In the recent past, it has been noted with keen interest that patients suffering from chronic depression pose a great burden o the family members and those destined to take care of them. What this implies is that the care givers have to reduce the time the have to undertake in doin g their personal activities such as leisure and other social activities after their relative has been diagnosed with depression. The family will tend to be more worried about the future with increased symptoms, effects and consequences. The effects are more staunch in families with poor base are compared to their rich counterparts. The community as whole participates in the sense that support can easily be mobilized from the social networks. The support can either be financial or just moral. Handling of depressed patients has effects as well. Parents of children with depression are reported to have a higher likelihood of contacting or suffering from psychological disorders such as the same mental depression. Thus children require more attention compared to adults. Therefore the risks in handling children is much greater compared to adults Educational support has been advanced on that note that is found capable of assisting relatives in provision of care to patients suffering from ch ronic depression. Although sources indicate that the much that has been advanced is too little and a further research is recommended. Such education is technically referred to as psycho education and it was purposely developed to assist in mitigation of the enormous difficulties and challenges encountered by

The Belize Barrier Reef Essay Example for Free

The Belize Barrier Reef Essay The Belize Barrier Reef Andrea G. Milbourne SCI 230 June 20, 2010 The Belize Barrier Reef is the second largest barrier reef in the world next to one found in Australia. The reef is Belizes number one tourist attraction. It is home to many different ocean life forms. The reef is in danger of being destroyed. Humans and the rising temperature of the ocean are factors of the reefs danger. There are many conservation groups that are trying to help preserve the reef and its habitants. The barrier reef is 186 miles in length and is 1,000 ft off-shore in the north and 25 iles to the south of the country of Belize. The Belize reef has particularly high species diversity for the region, with about 65 coral species and over 300 fish species. The fish species include sharks, sea turtles, finfish, sponges, tuna, and many more Just to name a few. These species coincide together to produce the reef. Many of the species need one another for food to survive. Larger species tend to feed of smaller ones and the left over materials from the fish are ingested by the smaller species. The Reef is still yet to be fully explored by humans. It is said that there is still ninety percent of the Belize Barrier reef that has yet to be explored by humans. The greatest damage comes from sedimentation, agrochemical run-off, coastal development, tourism and overfishing. Humans destroy the natural habitat of the reef by disturbing it and leaving trash and toxic materials in and around the reef. The reef also sustains damage from overfishing and large commercial fishing boats that try to fish in the shallow parts of the reef. Some large corporations dump oxic chemicals near the reef threatening the wildlife of the reef. There are banana farms near the reef that are quite large. They use fertilizer that helps the bananas to grow. The run off of fertilizer used to grow these bananas is going to the reef and killing the species in it, as well as, the reef itself. The development of hotels and housing affects the reef by cutting into it and disturbing the natural state of the reef. When the country builds developments like this next to the reef it brings more humans to the area to disturb the reef even more. Another reason for the reef being in danger is the fact that the ocean temperature is rising. This causes bleaching of the coral and other parts of the reef. Hurricanes provide damage to the reef every year and it takes time for the reef to naturally repair itself from these damages. While the reef is repairing itself from these natural disasters, the humans cause damage that is irreversible and the reef cannot fully restore itself to normal. The country of Belize does not want to destroy this amazing reef, but it uses the reef for income. The same things that are helping countrys economic system are destroying the reef right before their eyes. The country of Belize tries to educate the visitors and its public as to how to try to help keep the reef clean. There are foundation is a group that is trying to help the Belize government in preserving the Belize Barrier Reef. They have Joined Belize in educating the country and the tourists about the reef and how to protect it. They also educate the businesses around the area to help them take steps in preserving the reef. The UN foundation accepts onations from the public and businesses to give them the resources for the conservation effort. They also help with trying to get legislation passed to protect the reef and the countrys economy. The country of Belize and the conservation groups have already made parts of the reef national parks. Some areas of the reef have also been closed to the public and are considered land preserves so no one is allowed to enter these areas. These steps have helped save portions of the reef from destruction. The reef still needs help to survive. As an individual person you could elp by donating time to the conservation effort. Or by visiting the reef, take care not to disturb the natural habitat of the species living in it. These conservation groups dont want to stop tourism, they Just want educated tourists enjoying one of the worlds amazing places and keep around for many years to come. I think we could all voice our opinion about how we could do our part in the preservation of the reef. If you cant visit the reef or donate to the preservation, you can Join conservation groups and help from you country. There is always the internet. You can give your support to a conservation group of your choice through the internet. There is always something you can do to help the effort. If the barrier reef is not preserved then it will be destroyed. All of the species will not be able to survive and it will affect the area around the reef. The country of Belize will not have the reef for economic purposes. The country may not survive itself without the reef and its species. The fishermen who fish the reef would not have employment. There may be some ocean ife that can only survive in the reef that will be destroyed that we may not even know about. There also will not be a tourist attraction to visit anymore. This would be a big loss to the country and the world around us. I myself have never heard about the Belize Barrier Reef until I received this assignment. I would like to visit the reef one day. I would also like to look for a conservation group that I could Join and do my part to preserve one of the worlds amazing places. References Terracurve (2009) Help protect the Belize Barrier Reef with the support of the United

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Innovation Of Fashion Designers Cultural Studies Essay

The Innovation Of Fashion Designers Cultural Studies Essay Vivienne Westwood has been an innovative and provocative fashion designer. She has been influenced primarily by the Punk movement and that is one of the reasons I chose to research her fashion collections. This essay is going to investigate the importance of the relationship between Vivienne Westwood and the Punk movement to the fashion society. Westwood established the background for the punk movement in the United Kingdom which affected a lot the fashion styles and until today many clothes are designed according to the Punk fashion style, for example the skinny jeans. I believe that this investigation will provide an insight on sociocultural facts and events that are memorable for the world of fashion. What attracted me to it was that Westwood who hadnt done any studies on fashion, met Malcolm McLaren and together with their clothes, they were influenced by the British culture so much and they started working at the time when Punk movement was established. This made me think that when one has a gift and wants to become a successful person, eventually he will achieve his goals. Vivienne Westwood has had a successful career for more than 40 years. The essay will focus on the first eight years of her career from 1970 to 1978. During this period the punk movement appeared all over the world. Punk was actually a music genre that developed during this period in the United States, Australia and the United Kingdom. In the United Kingdom, which is the homeland of Westwood, Punk appeared as an alternative political movement, which expressed rebellion, but also appeared as a music scene which brought to the spotlight many punk music groups like the Sex Pistols etc. It also appeared as a fashion style. British adolescents have long created stylish subcultures in order to express all manner of rebellions  [1]  . The punk style is the connection between Vivienne Westwood and Punk. Therefore, the research question formed is; How Vivienne Westwoods collections were affected by the punk movement? The essay will start the biography of Vivienne Westwood and Malcolm McLaren and I will refer to the definition and the characteristics of the punk movement in the United Kingdom. I will followins also write about the Sex Pistols and the New York Dolls which are both Punk music groups and wore clothes of Vivienne Westwood. Following I will move into comparing in chronological order collections of Vivienne Westwood with particular punk music groups. The collections I will look into are; Let it Rock 1970, Too fast to live Too young to die, 1972, Sex, 1974 and Seditionaries, 1976. This procedure will lead into the conclusion and my findings on Vivienne Westwoods influences from the Punk movement MAIN BODY Biography The punk movement appeared as a rock music genre which developed in the decade of the 70s in the United States, Australia and the United Kingdom. They created hard-edged music, characterized by short songs, stripped-down instrumentation and often political, anti-establishment lyrics. In Britain, the Punk movement was politically active and their main concern was the economy of the country. Many people were unemployed because the economy in the United Kingdom in the 1970s was in a recession. Early Punks played a role in politics and protest, and they wanted to express themselves as anticapitalists, antihippies, anarchists and fascists. They portrayed themselves as political radicals by drawing on themes of Marxism, fascism etc. Beyond the fact that punk started out as a music-based subculture, there is a debate about its geographic origins, its ideologies, its membership etc. Most published accounts of punk focus on the origins and flourishing of punk subculture from late 1960s to lat e 1970s.  [2]  Punk may have originated in the United States, but punk as a subculture gelled in mid-1970s Britain.  [3]  . Punk appeared also as a fashion style. The basic male uniform consisted of combat boots, leather jacket, torn jeans, shaved head and most girls tried to adopt this male uniform completely. The ways in which the punk girls combined their punkness and their gender is very unique. They combined female items with punk elements. The influence of the Punk style on music groups is remarkable. The Sex Pistols and New York Dolls are English bands which formed in 1975 in London and their manager was McLaren who was born in 1946 and is a performer and former manager of the two groups. Music, fashion, the Punk Movement was something that attracted him when he was in a Fine Arts college. Malcolm was a friend of Vivienne Westwoods brother and thats how they met. Vivienne Westwood was born in Glossop, Derbyshire on 8 April 1941. She is as much of a symbol of England a s the Queen and the black cab.  [4]  She always liked fashion and a quote of her is that Fashion became her baby, she picked it up and never put it down.  [5]  In 1965 she met Malcolm McLaren and a relationship began. Together they established the foundation of the punk movement by opening shops and creating clothes related to rebellion and punk. Westwoods career in fashion was galvanized by her partner, Malcolm.  [6]  Their working relationship lasted from 1970 until 1983, and as is referred to above launched Punk. In 1971 Vivienne thought they should set up a clothes shop, because Malcolm was certainly fascinated by clothes. Thereby, Malcolm found a place at Kings Road which was named Paradise Garage and the couple made an agreement to own part of the shop. Let It Rock was the name of Viviennes first collection and the name of the shop too. Her first collection included pieces of drape jackets, leather ties with plastic sleeves, drainpipe trousers, ruffled shirt, day-glo socks, bootlace tie etc. Her favorite fabric was leather, she used a lot of zippers and slogans in order to decorate her clothes. They were interested in that era and they wanted to approach the Teddy boys who were into rebellion and could things stir up. Vivienne sourced authentic buttons, cloth and linings and informed by research in Teddy Boy clubs, copied and recoloured the look.  [7]  Vivienne began making trousers and more and more people were coming to the shop to try on their day-glo jackets, the special blue and silver trousers etc. At that period of time Vivienne and Malcolm went to a big music concert and were inspired in order to make their own T-shirt, Viva la Rock n Roll. Malcolm described rock n roll as the jungle beat that threatened white civilization.  [8]  It is a fact that in the collection Let It Rock of Vivienne Westwood we dont see a big influence of the punk movement. This can be explained by the fact that at the period of time that Let It Rock was launched, it only the foundations of the punk movement had been established. Despite this fact we can find characteristics of the pun k style in specific clothes of Let It Rock. Let It Rock Collection Figure 2. Sid Vicious, Let It Rock, 1970-1972 Figure 1. Vivienne Westwood, Let It Rock, 1970-1972Punks and members of music groups wore clothes that were ripped because in this way they were expressing rebellion through their style. In Figure 1 we see a T-shirt of Let It Rock which shows the influence of punk. Punk style was characterized by clothes with zippers, with holes, slogans, pins, pockets etc. The T-shirt in Figure 1 is ripped like all the clothes of Punks and it has many zippers and pockets and slogans that Vivienne used a lot. A characteristic example is Sid Vicious (Figure 2) who is wearing a ripped T-shirt of the Westwood Let It Rock collection and skinny jeans.. Moreover the slogans for her T-shirts were often lyrics of Sex Pistols songs. A characteristic example we see in Figure 3, in which Westwood is wearing her T-shirt with a photo of the Queen and the title of the Sex Pistols song God save the Queen on top. Figure 3. Malcolm McLaren and Vivienne Westwood, Let It Rock 1970-1972 Figure 4. Destroy T-shirt, Let It Rock 1970-1972Another example of a T-shirt with a slogan is shown in Figure 4, in which Vivienne wants to get the message across that Nazis should not exist. She was against all this racism against the Jewish people etc and she wanted to make something in order to express her disappointment about the Nazis and maybe she thought that she could change something. Thats why she thought to make a T-shirt with the swastika and the work Destroy on top. An example for leather gear is Sid Vicious again (figure 5) who is wearing a leather jacket at a Sex Pistol concert in Notre Dame Hall. Also, Vivienne, who is promoting her style and her clothes by wearing a leather outfit herself. Figure 5. Sid Vicious and Vivienne Westwood, Let It Rock 1970-1972 Although the Let It Rock collection and shop were very successful, Vivienne and Malcolm were searching for something new because the trend of the Teddy Boys had started to elapse. The Teddy Boys werent such rebels after all and because the couple wanted to express rebellion they needed something new. They started experimenting with rockers and a bike boys look and a tougher leather look which was accompanied with punk style. So, in the spring of 1973, they renamed the shop into Too Fast To Live, Too Young To Die and Vivienne started a new collection. Malcolm started buying fabrics such as velvet and Lurex and he thought that they should sell second-hand jeans, customized leather, pegged trousers, double-breast Zoot suits with padded shoulders etc. Because some striped and plain black T-shirts were left over from Let It Rock collection, Vivienne decided against throwing these clothing items away and chose to alter them by ripping them, knotting, cutting holes, rolling and stitching sl eeves together. Thereby, Westwood made a series of extraordinary clothes and especially T-shirts collaged with feathers, nipple-revealing zippers, studs, chains, potato prints, hand-stencilled garments and odd objects. She also put glitter on clothes and the whole work turned into something more creative and fun for her. Together with the punk style they also wanted to search for motorbike wear because the couple was interested in rubber, leather and fetishism. This collection of Westwood had the characteristic that, it was a point at which elements of sex imagery, cult fashion and politics met. This characteristic was sometimes a disadvantage because they were sometimes prosecuted under the obscenity of law for exposing to public view an independent exhibition . One characteristic example is that one of their T-shirts showed two naked cowboys which was thought to be unethical, unacceptable and inappropriate by society at large. Vivienne explained, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ my job is to confront the Establishment to try to find out where the freedom lies and what you can do: the most obvious way I did that was through the porn T-shirts  [9]  . Actually she always wanted to express sex somehow. Even when she put zippers on her clothes above all there were all sort of other sexy associations with the zippers  [10]  . All these characteristics like for example the zippers, leather, chains etc made her clothes surreal and somehow controversial. Also some of the clothes were characterized as rough and deliberately confrontational. To Fast To Live To Young To Die Collection In comparison with Let It Rock collection, here in the TFTLTYTD collection the influence of punk plays a bigger role and we can find characteristics of the punk movement in many clothes of Westwood. Figure 6. Venus T-shirt, TFTLTYTD 1972-1974In Figure 6 we can see Simon Barker wearing the famous hand-made Venus T-shirt which had armholes edged with sections of bike tyres and trimmed with horse hair. For this T-shirt Vivienne was inspired from motorbike wear and the punk movement. Generally, she used also many clues in order to express sexuality. Regarding to the punk style as I have referred to above, the clothes have chains, slogans, pins, leather etc.. So, here in this T-shirt we have as elements taken from punk such as lots of pins, chains and of course the slogan Venus. Also we see that Simon Barker is wearing leather trousers and army boots that Punks quite often wore. Figure 7. Vivienne Westwood, TFTLTYTD 1972-1974Moreover, as I referred to above, Vivienne wanted to express sex through her clothes, so most of the times she made and wore clothes with which she wanted to show that she was against all taboos. A characteristic example is in Figure 7, in which we see Vivienne wearing a shirt, a jacket and underwear from the TFTLTYTD collection without wearing jeans, or trousers above etc. By appearing in public like this she wanted to get the message across that she hated Puritanism and that people should not had taboos and prejudices regarding sex and the expression of the human body. The above opinion is also supported by Figure 8 in which we see Malcolm wearing the T-shirt Two Naked Cowboys of the TFTLTYTD collection. This is one of the T-shirts that had the couple prosecuted under the obscenity of law for exposing to public view an independent exhibition  [11]  . Vivienne didnt want to be limited in her designs regarding to ethical implications but sometimes she was obligated to be limited because of the authorities. Figure 8. Two naked cowboys, TFTLTYTD 1972-1974 Figure 9. McLaren and Westwood, TFTLTYTD 1972-1974 In addition, Vivienne herself wore the clothes she designed and by doing so she aimed at promoting the clothes and the punk style also. A characteristic example is Figure 9 in which we see Vivienne with Malcolm in a Photo shout. Vivienne is wearing leather jeans and a blouse with a zipper that could be characterized as conservative. In this photo shooting she wanted to wear something conservative but still in leather so we continue to see the effect of punk on her. She wanted to provoke and show that she is different, that she can be conservative through Punk too. As time passed McLaren set the scene for Punk via the next venture into a field that he knew would provoke still more outrage. He said characteristically in an interview of Elle magazine in November of 1985; It started with an interest in any form of youth revolt, so that it involved Teddy Boys and Rockers. Then we brought the sex element into it.  [12]  So, in 1974 they renamed their shop to SEX written with pink letters again. At that time they started selling bondage gear such as rubber body suits, rubber masks, leather mini skirts, leather underwear, shirts with chains, padlocks, fishnets, fetishistic lace-up boots and they also sold stilettos. At that time their slogan was Rubber wear for the office. The couple wanted to prove that they didnt care about taboos and prejudices and thats why in this collection they marketed clothes related to sadomasochism, fascism, pornography etc. Her clothes continued to shock society if we consider that this collection was selling sex more than the previous ones. Vivienne explains, all the clothes that I wore that people would regard as shocking, I wore them because I just thought I looked like a princess from another planet, I just thought I looked incredible in these clothes.  [13]  . The influence of Punk in SEX is more than in the previous collections because SEX clothes were mostly made of leather, chains etc which are basic elements of punk style. Punk was a cross-fertilization of SEX clothes  [14]  . Some people believe that punk was an eruption in the streets. But what it was infact was a fashion e vent from the start, like the creation of a historical painting based on a revolution; because that is what it actually was, a revolution. Sex Collection A characteristic example of this sexual revolution that Vivienne wanted to express through fashion is the T-shirt Tits in figure 10. It is a T-shirt from SEX and it was worn by both men and women but it was preferred by men because they wanted to shock by expressing the idea of homosexuality; Figure 10. Tits T-shirt, SEX 1974-1976 Figure 10. Tits T-shirt, SEX 1974-1976 Moreover as it was referred to above, punk influenced SEX in such a way Vivienne used their elements and their main fabric, leather in making her clothes. In Figure 11 we observe how punk influenced SEX. In this picture we see Jordan, shop girl of 1974, wearing a leather outfit of SEX. In the foreground it is shown a body suit made of leather belts and in the background we can find rubber clothes hanging on racks. Figure 11. Jordan, SEX 1974-1976 We can find another example of Punk influence on SEX in Figure 12, in which we see Johnny Rotten wearing a black leather bondage suit. This piece of clothing shows the combination of punk and sexuality because leather is the fabric of punks and when we talk about bondage suits we relate them to sadomasochism and generally sex. Figure 12. John Rotten, SEX 1974-1976 Furthermore in Figure 13 it can be detected Vivienne wearing a total black outfit made of rubber and leather. It has some pins on top and Vivienne is also holding some leather straps attached to other leather objects. Malcolm and Vivienne had gone all the way by making a public display of the leather and rubber stuff that fetishists succumbed to in private. Figure 13. Vivienne Westwood, SEX 1974-1976 What SEX was and generally what all Westwood collections were was a complex amalgam of various stylish influences, in which Punk had its roots in the streets of London and the music scenes of New York. As time went by the New York Dolls made their own decadent outfits to which Westwood added elements from the torn clothes of the pin-ups in Let it Rock, chains, zips, rubber wear and bondage garments of SEX. Consequently, in 1977 the shop and the collection changed its name yet again into Seditionaries under the slogan Clothes for heroes. The word Seditionaries was Viviennes concoction and was based on the fact that someone needed to seduce people in order to revolt. This moment was the peak of all this punk madness. In this collection the zips and straps of obscure sexual fetishism were transformed into fashion. Malcolm and Vivienne continued selling SEX T-shirts and fetish gear but everything was much smarter, less underground and less provincially British  [15]  . They made some T-shirts with photos, slogans on top and again they borrowed elements from the Punk movement. Savage wrote that Seditionaries brought the modern look in the 1970s but also Seditionaries clothes unleashed a more violent reaction combined with punk elements than SEX clothes. If the first Punks had thrown up every youth style since the war and then stuck it together with safety pins and panache, Seditionaries avoided retro yet caught the confusion: the look both in the original and the imitations spread thoughout the world  [16]  . This collection included again bondage trousers and clothes with straps and zips. Westwood in this collection used wool, mohair and leather for fabric which were elements of Punk movement. Westwood also made trousers based on military wear but even then she added her own elements based on sado-masochistic and fetishist gear. The Punks at that time had their own army uniform. The clothes were accessorized with pins, razor blades and silver phalluses. They tended to throw together sado-masochistic bondage paraphernalia and clothing associated with the hospital or the mental asylums so that they produced a surreal commentary on the anarchic tendencies of the sartorial display. Again with this collection Vivienne wanted to reveal taboos and mess with the normative class coding. One of the most significant factors of Punk at that moment was that it gave license for women to dress assertively. Vivienne said characteristically that Punk was what made her think of herself as a designer. Actually what Punk was both for her and society was a fashionable expression of a revolution. In fact, fashion itself became a revolution. Seditionaries Collection In Figure 14 we can identify that Vivienne made such shirts like in this Figure which has an image of Karl Marx in the top left hand in order to express revolution. Punks wanted to mess with everything and break the rules and norms. Marx symbolized revolution and was against the system as were the Punks. And this is the reason why her clothes appealed to Punks. Figure 14. Punk shirt, Seditionaries 1977 Figure 15. Blue cotton shirt, Seditionaries 1976-1980In Figure 15 we observe a Seditionaries blue cotton parachute shirt with strap harness, printed with situationist slogans such as Only Anarchists are Pretty. Regarding the Seditionaries clothes, they had borrowed elements from the Punk movement and also elements from the SEX collection. All these straps and slogans were characteristic of the Punk style and the whole parachute thing reminds us of the SEX bondage gear. In the 16th and last Figure we detect a few clothes of the Seditionaries worn by a number of Punks. The woolen sweaters that are shown in the figure and all these parachute jackets have been borrowed from the Punk style. In addition the jackets also have elements from SEX bondage and sado-masochistic gear which exists also in Seditionaries collection. Figure 16. Punk clothes, Seditionaries 1977 Conclusion Manifests are always written after an event. In retrospect, the manifest of the Punk movement allowed a person to express himself, to succeed or even fail in extravagant way. The music, fashion and of course the Punk movement were a huge art festival which was born from the life and the experiences that Malcolm McLaren gained in the school of Arts. He inspired Vivienne to create this vast business in the world of fashion based on the Punk movement. This was the new fashion, the new way of thinking. The couple started from a small shop in Kings Road and step by step they created their own rules for life, their own norms, their own identity. In other words they set the foundation for an alternative society. Of course all these things were based on the Punk movement and primarily on their ideology. Vivienne not only used the elements of the Punk movement but also their ideology. Through her fashion, she wanted to make rebellion and go against mainstream society, just like the Punks. Tha ts why she used symbols related to Punks and rebellion in her clothes like for example Karl Marx, or the swastika with the word Destroy on top etc. Combining irony and the ideology of Punks she wanted to break taboos like the issue of homosexuality or nudity etc. Actually McLaren and Westwoods aim was to create something new, totally fashionable while they were using symbolism to convey their ideas. And that was the point where they needed Punk, as inspiration and influence. Vivienne characteristically says about Punk Im proud to have been part of it. It was heroic at the time  [17]  . But as it is known, fashion is like a circle and the trends change every now and then, so the whole issue with the influence of the Punk movement in Viviennes career stopped at the beginning of the 80s. From the 80s there on, she introduced a startling and highly influential new vocabulary about fashion which was characterized as nostalgia for the future. In spite of this she never forgot her orig ins. Vivienne never created something conservative despite the fact that their future collections dont have elements from the Punk movement. Viviennes career was built on punk. Whenever she gives an interview she refers to the influence that Punk had on her work and life, saying characteristically that Punk and McLaren were the two factors that encouraged her to make fashion and to be who she is now. The punk period helped her develop creatively. Having created the Sex Pistols look he gained more self-confidence and realized her vast creative abilities. Fortunately, Punk helped Westwood expand her abilities, and identify her talent. Westwood was determined to leave her mark on international fashion which she certainly did.